Our approach
1Do a good job in the central group study, improve the system of democratic life 2Strict party cadres training, improve grassroots organization 3Financial politics, economic activities in one, active corporate atmosphere, and promote economic development 4The stability and encouraging, carry out rich and colorful political, cultural activities 5To carry out the construction of spiritual civilization, promote enterprise culture to health
Staff presence
  • 公司拔河比赛中员工们齐心协力共奋斗
  • 职工篮球赛
  • 员工乒乓球比赛
  • 员工歌咏大赛
  • 苏丝大学生模特队身着苏丝丝绸走秀
  • 公司员工在全县健身舞大赛
  • 活力四射的公司文艺演出队在表演
  • 公司实施职工困难“六必访”制度,公司领导慰问家受火灾的困难职工
  • 公司实施职工子女上大学资助制度
  • 公司太极拳队员在国际太极拳大赛
  • 苏丝产业园乒乓球室一角,员工在中午休息时间挥拍健身
  • 苏丝产业园图书、阅览室一角,员工在中午休息时间看书学习
  • 苏丝太极拳队多次荣获国际大赛大奖
  • 拥军优属谱新曲--亲切慰问人民子弟兵

  In the daily work, Susi silk shares continue to care about the political staff, support staff on the work, life to help employees, always give the warmth of home, feeling and power. In recent years, the company has promoted staff training, in the middle and senior cadres of 19 people, the development of new party members and 16 people, as long as the employees want to create progress, through effort of progress through the atmosphere; week training, determination, season and annual month exchange match live company, one or two, three level operation evaluation experts, senior technicians, technicians and assistant technicians for the staff to play a strong platform for the demonstration of space; through during the annual 38, 54, 71, 51, national day, new year's day and Spring Festival and other festivals, to carry out the edutainment speech contest, knowledge contest; calligraphy, painting, photography competition, ball games, chess, singing, dance, Taijiquan and catwalk shows and other recreational activities, enrich the cultural life of leisure of workers, allowing workers to get ideas in happy activities Cultivation of sentiment.